But in the same way that for us each accessory is unique, each costumer is also unique. Because of that we customize the accessory to our costumer’s instrument. So, during the purchasing process you will have to indicate the details of your accessory, with them we have the clues to customize the accessory for a perfect fixation in your instrument.
Our manufacture is not mass-produced. We have a completely different philosophy. We manufacture high end accessories for clarinet, saxophone, flute, brass instruments… and are strictly handmade. Our manufacture is in the Basque Country, in the north of Spain, around our company. Why? Because the quality is essential, and we must have control over each accessory, know it firsthand.
We make a strict monitoring of the manufacture, because is the key to achieve the standards of quality that each accessory must have.
Each supplier that collaborate with us, has been selected because of his high professionalism and experience. Any other way, we wouldn’t work with them.
In the videos you can see how we work, and you will see that Dr Florian Popa himself is supervising the whole process to guarantee the maximum quality.
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